Research director Guido Kroemer
Co-director: Oliver Kepp, Allan Sauvat, Giulia Cerrato
OncoPhenoScreen platform, 15 Rue de l'École de Médecine, 75006 Paris
Tel. office: +33(0)1 42 11 45 16
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- Managing director : Oliver KEPP
- Technical director : Allan SAUVAT
- Communications director : Giulia CERRATO
- Lab manager : Sabrina FORVEILLE
- Data Scientists : Marion LEDUC
- Scientific engineer : Liwei ZHAO
The OncoPhenoScreen platforms work in concert with INSERM UMR1138 “Metabolism, CANCER & IMMUNITY” to investigate the molecular and cellular mechanisms of cell stress and cell death in the cancer immune dialogue. The mode of cellular stress and death that is evoked during cancer treatment has profound therapeutic implications. A systematic search has been launched to identify molecular switches that “decide” which particular cell stress or cell death subroutine is preferentially executed. In addition, cancer cell death modalities and their impact on the immune system are analyzed in a systematic fashion to develop strategies that improve the chances of therapeutic success.
The OncoPhenoScreen platform is used as a hub to conduct screening approaches, as it offers fully automated cell biology workflows that allow for 3D-phenotypic screening of large-scale compound and genetic libraries necessary to conduct systems biology oriented research. The design of the platform allows for extremely flexible assay design and multiplexing as it integrates automated cell culture and compound management with fully automated high content analysis systems via industrial robots.
High throughput compound and siRNA screening; imaging; biosensors; cell death
Cutting Edge